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praise for busting breast cancer
“I applaud Dr. Wadia-Ells in boldly tackling the underlying causes of the breast cancer epidemic. All women, and anyone interested in preventing cancer, will benefit from reading this book.”
—Thomas Seyfried, PHD
Professor of Biology, Boston College
“Finally, someone has practical help for breast cancer. This is a must-read if you want to prevent this diagnosis. Your oncologists don’t know this information. But, by reading this book, you can help them to help you! I encourage you to read Busting Breast Cancer now.”
—Dr David Minkoff MD
Founder and Medical Director, LifeWorks Wellness, Clearwater, FL
“Eloquently written, must-read, eye-opening book for my patients, relatives and fellow doctors. As a former conventional clinical oncologist, and now an integrative/functional medicine clinical oncologist, I was intrigued to look at Dr. Wadia-Ells’ references…and really, my mind was blown away. – so much excellent data!”
—Dr Wafaa Abdel-Hadi MD
Founder: AWARE Clinic, Giza, Egypt
“As a breast cancer survivor, I found Busting Breast Cancer to be an eye-opening read. How I wish I had had access to this book 30 years ago, I feel certain I would have avoided a traumatic diagnosis and treatment regimen.”
—Shannon Lea Pickering MS
Health Restoration Advocate and Founder of Autoimmune Foodie, Austin, TX
“Susan Wadia-Ells has put all her passion and energy into this book. Busting Breast Cancer empowers each reader with the information and knowledge needed to control one’s own health and destiny. We must have more authors like Wadia-Ells, who are able to bridge the gap of information about the actual causes of cancer to the general public. Researchers and medical doctors are only a small part of the momentum needed to push this new knowledge beyond question!”
—George Yu, MD
YuFoundation.org and Clinical Professor of Urologic and Pelvic Surgery, George Washington Medical Center, Washington, DC
“Busting Breast Cancer helps draw attention to the growing number of women facing a breast cancer diagnosis not just once, but twice and beyond. Susan asks some tough questions and stimulates our curiosity to dig deeper for the answers, while offering tangible stepsto change breast cancer outcomes. This is an excellent resource for patients and practitioners alike.”
—Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO
Founder and CEO, drnasha.com; Author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
“This bold, superbly researched book is a clarion call and prescription for all women who seek to PREVENT–rather than eventually treat–this devastating female Emperor of all Maladies.”
—Joseph C. Maroon, MD, FACS
Clinical Professor, Heindl Scholar in Neuroscience, and Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurological Surgery at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Author of Square One–The Secret to a Balanced Life, Team neurosurgeon to the Pittsburgh Steelers for 20+ years.
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